Knezevic Legal advises its clients on wide aspects of banking and finance and provides legal services in all aspects of financial institutions activities covering compliance aspects, therefore making sure our clients are in full compliance with existing regulations related to banking and finance.

Knezevic Legal advises its clients in their business activities in relations with banks, signing loan contracts and other bank products. Also, we represent our clients in front of insurance and leasing companies and help our clients to identify the most appropriate security mechanisms in order to protect their interest under the financial agreements.


  • Due diligences
  • Compliance
  • Money transfers
  • Collateral management (mortgage, pledge, bank guarantees)
  • Non-performing loans
  • Capital markets and securities
  • Insurance
  • Debt collection (enforcements, etc.)
Advokat za sastavljanje ugovora o kupoprodaji nepokretnosti Novi Beograd