
Law Office for Labor Law and Employment Relations

Advokatska kancelarija za radno pravo i radne odnose

Law Office for Labor Law and Employment Relations – Law Office Belgrade Knezevic

Law Office Knezevic in Belgrade represents the clients in the field of labor law, both employers and employees. Labor law is a broad area, and on the one hand, it covers labor law disputes, and on the other, preparation of legal documentation for legal entities.

Lawyer for labor law and drafting of labor-law acts for companies (Employment Contracts, Rules of Labor, Rules of Organization and Systematization of Jobs, etc.)

Every employer with more than 10 employees is obliged to adopt the Rulebook on the organization and systematization of work, while every employer is obliged to adopt the Labor Rulebook, which determines rights, obligations and responsibilities from the employment relationship. The employment relationship with the employee is concluded with an employment contract.Law Office Knezevic, as a labor law law office, provides legal assistance when compiling the aforementioned labor-law documentation, in order to fully comply with legal provisions, as well as its proper implementation, in order to avoid potential court disputes. Also, as a law office for labor law, we provide legal assistance when preparing documentation and implementing the termination procedure in accordance with the law, in order to harmonize the interests of the employer and the employee in the most optimal way, in order to avoid illegalities that can lead to court proceedings.

Law office for redundancy procedures

In order to carry out the redundancy procedures, the employer must comply with certain obligations prescribed by the Labor Law. The employer must, first of all, determine the reasons for the termination of the need for the work of the employees, and then, depending on the number of employees, issue the Redundancy Plan, pay the severance pay to employees who are redundant, potentially to apply the measures for employment, allow employees to use their vacation, to pay unpaid earnings, etc. The redundancy procedure is a complex procedure requiring the implementation of lot of steps that must be strictly aligned with the legal provisions in order to avoid potential unlawfulness and thereby violation of rights of employees that may be the subject of a court dispute.

Law office for representation in labor disputes

The most common labor lawsuits in practice are the cases for unpaid salaries, unlawful employment termination, injury at work, etc. Procedures can be initiated either by the employer, either by the employee, but more often they are initiated by the employee.


Mobbing or abuse at work is aimed at or constitutes a violation of the dignity, reputation, personal and professional integrity, health, position of an employee. Employees may first initiate proceedings for the protection before the competent bodies at the employer, and if such a procedure fails, to initiate judicial protection before the competent High Court.